About Brace

As the only center for gender studies at the secondary-school level, the Brace Center recognizes gender as a key factor in how individuals live, work, and learn. Honoring our multigenerational history, in particular the legacy of Abbot Academy, we continue to advocate for gender-based inclusion and social change. The Center’s faculty, staff, and student members collaborate to develop platforms for understanding oppression and lifting up voices that are often silenced. As we educate students to be activists for equitable policies and spaces, we also lead adults towards humble, honest, lifelong learnership. To do so is not only joyful; it is necessary.

The Brace Center believes in collaborative, multigenerational, interdisciplinary work.  A key aspect of programming and planning for the Center are the advisory boards, comprised of students and adults, that support our center.  Meet the people that make everything happen!